Saturday, February 20, 2010

Disc Golf

I got to play a round of disc golf for the first time this year. I didn't do so hot but I had a good time. It was nice to play another course beside Orchard Park. This afternoon I went out to Leveritch park in Vancouver to play with my brother. It was a nice enough course, but it was quite crowded. I ended up with a score well above par (Alejandro claims he was only +4. Of course it is a little easier when you are three and have no problem with just grabbing a disc, running to the basket, and dropping it in.)

I almost lost my second disc today. I lost the first one several months ago. Hole nine runs right beside a creek. My disc went sailing right in. I didn't feel like playing out the rest of the course with a missing disc (it was my driver.) So I took off my shoes and socks and jumped into the water. It was quite cold, but Alejandro had a good time watching and my feet were only slightly numb after the experience. Quite a few other people were losing discs in the creek as well so I guess that made me feel better.

The second to the last hole was challenging. It was only 150 feet to the basket, but you had to go up a fairly steep hill. Anyway, after the whole experience, I can tell that I really need to work on my drives some more, but at least I had a good time.

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